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The 12 Touchstones of Good Teaching

  1. I use standards to guide every learning opportunity.

  2. I ensure students set personal learning objectives for each lesson.

  3. I peel back the curtain and make my performance expectations clear​.

  4. I measure understanding against high expectations.

Be demanding - Align teaching with high expectations for learning

Be supportive - Provide a nurturing environment


5.  I engage student interest with every lesson.

6.  I interact meaningfully with every student every day.

7.  I use feedback to encourage effort.

8.  I create an oasis of safety and respect in my classroom.  


Be intentional - Know why you're doing what you're doing.

9.  I make the most of every minute.

10. I help students develop deep knowledge.

11.  I coach students to mastery.

12.  I help students do something with their learning. 


Goodwin, B. & Hubbell, E. (2013). The 12 touchstones of good teaching: A checklist for staying

       focused every day. Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.  Alexandria, VA:    

       Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.   [Bookshelf Online].

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