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About Lisa Carter


I am a lifelong learner and traveler, who still loves to teach and learn.  I was a high school teacher for thirty years, and taught in Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida,  Nigeria, West Africa and in the Central American country of Panama. During my teaching career I taught Bible, biology, chemistry, marine biology, oceanography, earth/space, and a variety of other classes in the field of Home and Family Services.  About thirteen years ago, when our sons left home and started their own lives, my husband and I moved to Panama, Central America, where we work with a small, growing group of Christian believers.  I teach Bible and health related classes at the church, and in the Panamanian and indigenous indian communities.  My work here is primarily in Spanish.  



Future Plans

My husband and I plan to return to work in the United States in a few years.  Once we return to our farm in Florida, I would like to continue working with non-English speakers in the school system and in the Christian community.  



Colorado State University

I am a student in the Teaching and Learning Master's Degree Program at Colorado State University.  This website has been developed to fulfill the requirement for OTL502, Learning Theories and Models of Instruction and OTL565, Cultural Responsiveness in the Differentiated Classroom.  Both courses are taught by Dr. Adam Hile.  

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